The Design Gazette

The Design Gazette

The Design Gazette featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Cruise Spiderglass

CRUISE, the importance of style. Cruise, designed by Roberto Volpe for Faraone, want be a new tendence for Transparent Architectures: lightness in suspended facades like a sign of style. A frame of nature in action. This spider-glass is used without ball-joint and with laminated glass not tempered (or even tempered according the necessity): the glass is installed leaned on the four corners. In stainless steel AISI316, it is available in a polish or satin finishing.

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The Live window, with lift and slide opening, reaches the goal of a single window, even in the presence of two or three saches, which are typically interrupted by the vertical profiles of coupling. This extraordinary result is achieved thanks to the use of a different material employed for the forth side of the wood frame, alloy mineral, which enables the reduction of the coupling between the saches, from 90-110mm to only 17mm, and invisible from the internal and external front view.

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The GLASSWAVE multiaxial curtain wall system opens the door to greater flexibility in designing glass walls for mass production. This new concept in curtain walls is based on the principle of vertical mullions with cylindrical rather than rectangular profiles. This definitively innovative approach means that structures with multidirectional connections can be created, increasing tenfold the possible geometric combinations in glass wall assembly. GLASSWAVE is a low-rise system intended for the market of distinctive buildings of three floors or less (majestics halls, showrooms, atriums etc.)

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The Fractalic Mirror Wall was created as a new unique approach to wall tiling in interior. Finding of random and nonperiodic structure look was the aim, in hand with focus to manufacturing of product series. The random look supports decor of mirror tiles, which is variable and multi patterned. The graphic impresses lighlty embossed, altouhg is it manufactured inside of glass. The shape of mirrors are border with machine-cut facette, which gives to glass true exclusivity.

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Electra deemed as the digital use representative in armature sector combines the technology with design to emphasize the digital age designs.The faucets that doesn’t have separate handle attracts everyone due to its elegance and smart appearance is decisive to be unique in wet area. The touch display buttons of Electra offer the users more ergonomic solution. “Eco Mind” of the faucets provide user with maximum efficiency in saving. This feature especially adds value to future generations

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Amphora serie is designed to connect past and future and gives a chance to experience the basic and functional forms of ancient times. It wasn’t easy as today to make reachable our life source water that days. Faucet’s unusual form comes from centuries before today, but its water saving cartridge brings tomorrow. Faucet retro designed from street fountains of ancient times and brings aesthetic to your bathrooms.

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